Centre for Widows and Children Assistance (CWCA) was formed sometimes in July 2003
and legally registered on 17th day of February 2005 under the
Companies Ordinance Cap. 212 of the laws of Tanzania as a Company without
shares limited by guarantee with the registration number 51556. It
was founded by the human rights activists namely Advocates Utti A.
Mwang’amba, Ms. Suzan Makatte (now the deceased),Ms. Martha Kisyombe and Mr.
Issa Maige, after realizing that women, widows, orphans
and the most vulnerable children are denied their legal and human
rights in the context of culture , norms , ignorance about
the laws and patriarchal system Professionally all the
activists are lawyers who day to day assist people under pro bon work (forma
paperious). The centre has 8 paid up staff, and 28 volunteers and 16
of them are women.